Safety is a number one priority on controlled burns.  The fire professionals working these fires need to have the proper knowledge and training.  Alan Matthews from the NC Forest Service gives us a run down of the essential tools on a fire.

Fire professionals (fire fighters) go through lots of training to be able to carry out their assigned tasks on a controlled burn.  Knowledge starts with training, but learning how to use the tools available is key!

The basic personal protective equipment (PPE) is nomex, a hard hat, gloves, eye protection and boots.  Nomex is fire-resistant clothing fire professionals wear on a burn. They are often called “greens and yellows”!

Controlled burns are often in remote areas, so access can be difficult.  Small engines called ‘Type 6 Engines’ are usually used because they can squeeze into small roads, but carry everything fire fighters may need on a burn. These engines have a huge capacity to carry lots of water!  This is crucial when controlling the spread of a fire. There are a variety of handtools used on a fire- rake, shovel, pulaski, combi and more.